By popular demand I am going to be once again offering autographed photos of myself and Sheri . There are 6 different pictures #1 is my at Vieux La Vicompte in a dinner jacket, #2 is a picture of me with a Napoleonic Shako in my office, #3 is a picture of Sheri and I at Spamalot in our Middle Ages garb, #4 is a picture of Sheri and I on camels in front of the 9 pyramids of Giza, #5 is a picture of Sheri and I in front of the step pyramid at Saqqarah and #6 is a picture of Sheri and I in front of the central castle of Carcassonne. If I am the only one in the picture then I will sign it if both Sheri and I are in the picture we will both sign. If you want an inscription or if it is a gift for someone just tell us in the comment area of the order and we will be happy to oblige. Cost postage paid world wide is $20 per picture which will be 8X10 in color. If you want them all you can have all 6 for $80. There is supposed to be a location on the website where you can see the pictures and click for what you want but if it not up yet please just use the same proceedure for buying a Cd or the Hard Drive Collection.