The 100 Years War Sources

I have had quite a few listeners ask me just how big the books by Jonathan Sumption are, so I thought the best way to illustrate them was to put them next two the other two sources I have been using.  There are four volumes of works by Sumption  on the 100 Years War but as of right now I haven’t purchased the last one.(hoping for a Amazon price break.) Volume 1 :”Trail by Battle”, 659 pages Volume 2:”Trial By Fire” 680 Pages, and Volume 3:”Divided House”, 1006 pages.  The small book in the picture is “The Hundred Years War” by Edouard Perroy 376 pages. The final book “The Hundred Years War” by Robin Neillands is 300 pages.  Oh ,I forgot, the helmet you see is one of 4 different types of helms that I use in my classes when I teach the 100 Years War section. The two smaller books are great but Sumption’s works are so detailed with stories and connections the result will be a very long series on the 100 Years War.