All 24 French Revolution and Napoleon era CDs via USB Thumb Drive for $120. This will also include the HST 134 material for the French Revolution and Napoleon as well. Regular price for the CD’s and material is almost $300, but in the special deal you get all of it for $120 postage paid. The USB is a 32MB so it will only take 1 but if you want the CD’s as long as you are in the USA there will be no extra cost. 746 MP3 shows which will run 109 Hours. This series started in 2005 and finished in 2021. Go to the menu line and click store. Then click on the deals until this picture shows up and then click on it that will take you to the payment area. Or you could just click on the support/donate button put in the amount $150 and tell what you want in the little info section.
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